A new poem of mine is up on Poets Responding to SB 1070 page on facebook: http://on.fb.me/gonkFM
Go read, comment (or not), "like" the page. And be aware that 1070 copycat legislation is proposed for Pennsylvania. (See one of my previous blog posts for a list of anti-immigrant legislation introduced to the Pa. legislature this session.)
The New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia(NSM) is sponsoring an evening of storytelling and reflection"Our stories connect us: the Underground Railroad and the Sanctuary Movement" March 22, from 7 to 9 p.m., at Arch Street United Methodist Church in Philadelphia. NSM is a strong advocate for immigration justice and works to protect the human and civil rights of all people. A while back I interviewed Peter Pedemonti, who has since become one of the organization's leaders. Read that interview here.
Perhaps -- given the increasingly hate-filled and polarized views about immigration and the undocumented in the nation -- we will have to adopt the custom attributed to abolitionists and anti-slavery folk along the Railroad routes -- hanging a quilt on a porch railing to indicate a safe sanctuary for those fleeing oppressive laws. Or, as it was in the Great Depression, a pictogram alphabet will develop, helping wayfarers in need identify the "good-hearted" people willing to share a meal or shelter.In the meantime, let's make ourselves "signs." Help fight the drastic cuts to funding for refugees outlined in the House-passed Fiscal Year 2011 budget. Call your senator at 202-224-3121 and ask that the Senate restore all or some of the $827 million cut from refugee admissions and overseas refugee assistance and all or some of the $77 million for refugee resettlement, trafficking victim assistance, torture victim assistance, and the care of unaccompanied alien children. (For more information, visit the Justice for Immigrants web sitehere.)
The picture at the top of this post is a piece from the quilt I am making my daughter -- as it happens, an immigrant quilt. You can read about its makinghere.
It is increasingly hard to tell the difference between the two.... Below is a list of all the bills that have been introduced to the PA legislature this session relating to immigration: HB 41: Requires applicants for a wide variety of public benefits to show government-issued ID to prove their legal status HB 355: An omnibus bill including provisions prohibiting human trafficking, requiring local law enforcement and agencies distributing public benefits to confirm legal immigration status, and mandating participation in E-Verify for public employers HB 361: Makes English the official language of Pennsylvania HB 379: Mandates E-Verify for public works contractors HB 380: Mandates E-Verify for construction industry employers HB 439: Imposes sanctions on employers that employ unauthorized immigrants HB 474: Creates a compact between states to issue a different birth certificate to children born here to undocumented immigrants, denying them birthright citizenship HB 526: Imposes mandatory sentences for offenses committed by undocumented immigrants HB 659:Amends the Public School Code to confirm that English is the sole language of Pennsylvania HB 738: Requires local law enforcement to check immigration status and communicate its findings to ICE, requires agencies distributing public benefits to verify immigration status HB 798: Requires law enforcement to check immigration status HB 799: Provides for a memorandum of understanding between the Commonwealth and the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security to enforce immigration law HB 801: Supports law enforcement authorities who detain people they believe to have questionable immigration status HB 857: Defines citizens of Pennsylvania to exclude children born here to undocumented parents HB 858: Mandates E-Verify for public contractors HB 888: Makes English the official language of the Commonwealth SB 9: Requires applicants for a wide variety of public benefits to show government-issued ID to prove their legal status SB 515: Allows law enforcement officials to verify citizenship of arrestees SB 637: Mandates E-Verify for public contractors Opportunities for advocacy to block punitive and harmful anti-immigrant measures in our commonwealth: http://www.paimmigrant.org/programs/state-leg-advocacy-campaign